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5 Web Design Usability Facts You Need to Know (Infographic)

Jan 23, 2019

If your business website does not have a great design or it is loading too slow then your business growth is under real threat. In this infographic, we have covered most crazy facts about web design.

Most of the websites have these issues and yet webmasters have no idea how much money they are losing just because of inappropriate or outdated website layout.

Here is the infographic about the crazy facts about web design.


web design usability facts


1 – Time for Building an Opinion

It takes only 0.05 seconds for a visitor to build an opinion about your website. So your web design must be professional and attractive to make the visitor stay on your website and take some action.

2 – Unattractive Layout

If your website has an unattractive and old-fashioned layout then 38% of users will leave your website without performing any action on the website.

3 – No Contact Details

If you haven’t provided your business contact details on your website then you are losing the trust and 44% of the users will leave the website without proceeding further.

4 – Mobile Friendly Website

Mobile search and browsing have taken over desktop internet users. Now it has been observed that the companies having mobile-friendly websites get 62% more sales.

A mobile-friendly design will also help your website to rank higher on search engines.

5 – Slow Loading Website

If your website is taking too much time to load or images take time to load then you are losing a major portion of your visitors which is 39%.

Edited By: Umar Saeed